Artistic vision
The puppet,
a living work of art.
We devote a large part of the time creating our puppets in designing their physical appearance, because we believe that the visual and perceptual elements of a performance have a strong impact on the imagination.
In order to create characters that are surprisingly alive and faithful to our imagination, we carry out in- depth research of morphology and biomechanics of living beings, as well as materials.

The puppet as an extension of the body, and the body as an extension of the puppet ...
At the crossroads between visual art, physical theater and .... science?

We chose to work with inhabited puppets , a type of puppet in which the manipulator takes place directly, hiding himself from the eyes of the spectators. For us, it is a way of letting the puppet fully live ... Manipulated from the inside, it seems independent of the puppeteer, and all the attention is therefore focused on it. This type of puppet allows us to create surprising illusions, and often leads the viewer to question what he sees. We are so in harmony with the character that we sometimes wonder if it is us who lives in the puppet, or rather if it is she who lives in us ...?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Exploring the puppet as an extension of the body, we use mechanisms that work by inertia * . These are elements that react autonomously by following the movements of the puppeteer without his direct intervention. For example, in the character Ginka, the heads of birds move on their own in response to body movements. To achieve this result, we use flexible and responsive materials that we assemble in a special way.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The body is for us a tool of composition to give life to our puppets, giving them a voice. We control the progress of the action by the presence, the techniques of physical play and the distribution of the deployed energy; Postures, gaits, anchor points and dissociation are some of the techniques that we put into practice. Our puppets express themselves mainly through non-verbal language .
Conception and creation of puppets
Inhabited puppet
Physical principles applied to the puppet
Physical theater without words
* Principle of inertia: Any body perseveres in the state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line in which it is, unless some force acts on it, and forces it to change state. - Impulse / Counter impulse
Prototype of a puppet

Exploration of out-of-frame theatrics
The puppet as a central element
Use of space
Free interpretation
During our presentations, the puppet is the central element of the story and is not used as a prop. The story is built around the puppet itself and the latter invites us to take part in the adventure. An ephemeral adventure that takes place in a precise and irreparable space-time.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
We explore the different ways of using space in street theater. As a bonus on board, when we sail about our business in public spaces, we take our freedom of movement for granted and use the space in our own way (a very human way ...). But what happens when puppets take over these places? How is this common space redefined? How does the audience decide to position themselves and to interact? He automatically becomes part of the experience and protagonist of the story that is being built ...
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Our performances are spontaneous and accessible. We leave room for free interpretation, directing the viewer on a perceptual journey, without dictating a prefabricated story. The public can compose their own story by structuring the multiple visual elements of the performative action with which they are confronted. The story is therefore no longer composed only of the course of the action, but also by the way in which the spectator perceives it ...